Here are some pictures of my layout. Click on any image for a full size view.
This is what the entire layout looks like. The sky is fake — it’s hiding the water heater, furnace and the rest of my basement! The amusement park section is off the picture to the right. It’s 12′ x 12′ L shape:
Fleischmann 1363 type ’50’ 2-10-0 steam engine. The “Stellwerk Marbach” is Kibri B-9487 from the late 1960’s (a few parts have broken off). It’s still available today.
I took this picture with a digital camera in relatively low light to blurr the moving train on the adjacent track. The steam is from a Seuthe smoke generator.
This is the top station of the my cog train (Zhanradbahn):
Updated: January 2017 Contact: GerdHoeren at Gmail dot com